Wednesday 22 April 2009

Return trip back from Montreal

I was asked if I wanted to do a bit of city driving in Montreal but my truck is to big for city work in Montreal even the city drivers won't use a highway truck to do shunting and I needed 24 hours off so I could still roll my hours.

So I had a few hours to walk around the shops and it was great I do love getting out of the truck and walking around the shopping malls I tried to find a laptop bag for my new laptop but they are so expensive here so I thought I would wait until I got back to Alberta at least I wouldn't have to pay state tax.

I got a message saying my trailer would be ready about 12pm and for me to go and pick it up I met the lady shunter driver (Jill) who was very helpful, she sorted my paper work out then it was time to head west.

The sun was out it was a beautiful day. I had to stop for fuel but they had changed to a new fuel site and I couldn't find the new place they wanted us to use so I thought sod it I had enough fuel to get me back to North Bay. it was a nice drive until I got to the husky fuel stop and met a Canadian driver who obviously hates English truckers, he was sat at the fuel pump doing paper work.

I knew the other pumps were not working so I walked up and asked him nice enough if he could move as soon as he heard my accent that was it he told me where to go!! I said 'well what goes around comes around' then walked off. He followed me asking me what I meant by that! Well the best way to wind someone up is to completely ignore them so I got in my truck and he took a couple of pics of the unit lolol what a total twat!!

I knew George (Big Trip) was on his way from Toronto to Calgary so I asked the dispatch to find out where he was but got no help from them! He caught me up the following day. I was sat in having breakfast when he came in. We ran back to Calgary together its great when you run with someone, you can chat on the CB.
While we were chatting on channel 4 a couple of other drivers came on the side and one of the guys was the brother of another blogger (Tony T) what a small world lol. He was stopping at Brandon Manitoba for the night so we stopped and had a Subway sandwich and a chat with him. George took a pic of our trucks and me and Tony's brother.

Then we left and made our way to Regina Saskatchewan. We parked up for the night, I woke up a lot earlier than the others (as I am used to getting out of bed early lol). I went in and had a shower and breakfast unlike George who doesn't eat!
Normally when you run with someone the time goes by fast but for some reason it seemed that every time we got close to Calgary someone moved it another couple of hundred of miles away lol. It was never ending and the pair of us had just done big trips. we'd had enough!

I had just done 2 round trips to Toronto and 3 round trips to Montreal it was big miles and I had 24 hours off between trips so I could keep rolling my hours. I think they saw my comments on my blog about not much work. They must have thought right we will teach this miserable moaning Brit a lesson he won't forget in a hurry lololol.

I am sat in the Lethbridge Lodge now having a rest its 1.45pm and I haven't eaten so I am off to find a Subway for a sandwich so chat soon byeeee!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

is there quite a bit of friction between Canadian drivers and us?

The fellow on the fuel pump sounds like the sort who drives with no tread on the tyres, known defects and leaves the gas oil tank almost empty on the trailers. Get many like that?

Bert Bucket.

englishmike said...

Hi Bert
As a rule the truck drivers are ok but there are a few who think we have come over and stolen their jobs I just seem to have bumped in to a nasty one on this trip. Mike