Friday, 21 August 2009

Thanks Mick Fly

Good news when I took Mick on his mentor trip he had a muck about with my computer and put a tracking device on there so when ever someone goes on my blog its tracked and if I am reading it right that comment about arse licking came from a guy who lasted not even 3 months at H&R and who is back in the UK so good luck with your life LOSER.



jag said...

top one you pop

briandoh said...

Hi Mike

just reading between the lines abit (maybe im way off) but it seems to me that the people who are leaving bad or negative comments are jealous of wot you have achieved and all i say is more power to you mate and keep up the good work with the blog :), it give us who are still waiting to come over a chance to see wot is achievable if you keep your vision in mind and just crack on with the job

take care and stay safe


Dave Caldwell said...

Thats interesting about the tracker Mike, is it a free download from somewhere? Would appreciate more info on it please.

BOB said...

Hi mike swimming going good!!. like mr Caldwell like some info on the tracker thing. That's if you now what mr fly did to your comp. many thanks great read mate keep it up ..