Thursday 26 March 2009

A nightmare trip to Montreal

As normal when the Qualcom goes you hope you are not going to High River to pick up a load it seems we have to sit there for days before the load is ready. I can't understand why we get sent there, they know only to well in the office if the load is ready or not. After waiting for another 24 hours the load was still not ready so I started to ask about layovers. Then the qualcom goes, can I bring a trailer to Lethbridge then take a trailer to Calgary. When I got to Calgary my load was ready 12 hours after it should of been... did they put the delivery time back by 12 hours you must be joking it was a none stop drive from hell.
As I left High River it was thick fog but I had to keep on going otherwise they would of taken the load off of me again and given it to another driver so he gets all the bonus for the delivery's. Last time I sat for 36 hours and had to give the load away to a Canadian driver who got all the bonuses! After the thick fog I had very high winds that nearly turned the truck over then to top that off I drove through freezing rain I took some pics will add them soon. I'd just gone passed thunder bay and it was heavy snow but the drivers coming from the east said it was only for 20 miles so another battle in poor conditions then!
I fueled up at Nipigon because of the 12 hours I lost waiting for my load I had to push on to Hearst that night. I just left Nipigon got about 5 miles down the road, that was it I was in a snow storm that was so bad I couldn't see the road. I had one eye on the yellow line in the middle of the road and another on my sat nav. Before anyone says why didn't you stop the route 11 from Nipigon to Hearst is lacking in places to stop the nearest place was 20 ks from where I was. I tell you something for nothing if I never had my sat nav I don't know what I would of done. By looking at the sat nav it showed me where there were bends in the road so I could be ready to turn and the yellow line had gone so it was just my sat nav helping me if I slowed down to much I ran the risk of a dopey driver running up the back of me. As luck would have it the snow stopped after about 10 miles but I was so lucky not to go off the road, never have I ever been in anything like that.
I carried on to Hearst and it only cost me 15 minutes so not too bad, then I parked in the husky and went and had a shower it felt great in that shower lol. The next day I could only drive for 8.5 hours because I started to roll my hours I got as far as Pembroke Ontario and stopped in this nice truck stop (Irvine) with free Internet. It would wipe the floor with the husky, the food was very cheap and you had a hugh plate full. I said to the lady, 'how am I going to eat all that lot' she laughed and said all the drivers say the same thing. In the 8 months I have been here that is by far the best truck stop I have been to (it was so good When I left Montreal I went back for breakfast).
I left there very early so I could get to Montreal for my 7.30am delivery as normal with Cargills they hold the driver for hours I think they do it for the fun of it, all they had to do was take off 14 pallets but it took them nearly 4 hours. Then stop 2, in and out in half an hour mind you my truck closed the road off that's why it was so quick. Then off to stop 3, that's when all the fun and games started! I had 7 pallets for them but only 6 of the pallets on my trailer were theirs, the other was the place I had just been to so off I went to get the other pallet back and pick up their one, sounds really easy but it was far from easy they had taken the meat out of the boxes. By the time I got back to stop 2 it was a mixed pallet that's what the problem was so stop 2 put stop 3 meat back in the boxes then I went back to stop 3 the guy took one look then said something in french. Good job I couldn't understand but it was words to the affect of you can stick that where the sun don't shine (I got a big arse but not that big lol).
Well after 4 hours of mucking about I took it to the Montreal yard. I did 2 extra stops and one collection I bet I don't get any extra for it all and nothing for the 4 hours I lost all because the packers and loaders at Cargills can't do their job right. But that's trucking in north America for you, all extra work and no money for it and if the shit hits the fan guess who gets it in the neck the driver every single time when anything goes wrong the buck stops with the driver, when the load is not ready guess who has to wait for no money the driver so it does explain why they can't get drivers in Canada and America.
If we got paid hourly I think a lot of things would change then when it goes wrong people would have to explain why a driver was being paid to wait for a load that was not ready then there wouldn't be too much waiting for loads then. I have seen some of the bigger company's are staring to pay hourly but you can't get on them because they have a queue about 5 miles long. A number of company's in Southampton who I did agency work for had the same problem and what they did was buy high top trucks with loads of room for the drivers then all the drivers would go where the best trucks were. Then everyone started to get the high top trucks one of the last company's I worked for was Elite all the new trucks had fitted fridges freezers TVs DVDs microwaves and they even had a coffee maker in them and there was talk of putting the money up to over £10 an hour but we won't see that over here sadly!


Montedarlo said...

I bet you are praying to whatever god you believe in that your visa comes through, and the sooner the better.
Chin up !!

Martin said...

An informative read as usual, Mike.

I don't know if it's just my eyes that are crap but I kinda struggle to read that text without paragraphs or some spacing. Any chance? It'd help out a blind git like me no-end!! LOL


englishmike said...

Sorry Martin its my editors fault she got the hump with me yesterday I will tell her to space it out next time or she is sacked lol Mike

FINCH said...

Yes that Irving in Pembroke is a great truck stop. Good clean showers and great food. And the free interet is nice. The Irving from that point east are mainly all very nice. Then again the worse truck stop in Canada is bettere than ANY husky. Husky stinks!! Good to hear you had a good trip, to Montreal is a sweet run!! Oh by the way, they don;t call it "Camp cargill" for nothing.