Thursday 25 December 2008

Not a happy bunny

I have driven this truck for the last 3 months and loved every bit of it I was even offered a Cascadia but said no because this truck is great (just a bit cold). Until this trip, it went in the workshop to turn off the idle cut off. While it was there they turned it down 4 mph to save the planet NOW I HATE DRIVING THIS TRUCK and before you say another whinger let me tell you what it has done. It has problems getting into 12 gear so you have to turn it to manual to put it into top gear then when you put it back into automatic it changes back down because there's not enough revs to keep it there so some of the trip I spent time mucking about with the gears which made the whole trip horrible. As you could tell from my blogs before this trip I have had a good time but not now. I set my sat nav every time so I know my average speed and time, most trips I have done have been about 59-61 mph over 11 hours driving is not too bad but because they have turned it down it struggles up the hills a lot longer which overall gives you a slower average speed this time when I looked at my sat nav my average speed for the trip was 54 miles an hour you times that by 11 and that's how many miles you lose. All my trips before this I stuck it on cruise control and sat back and enjoyed the trip it went up the hills not to bad I was over taking trucks on hills and the flat but not anymore. This job has gone from a really good fun job to a nightmare just for the sake of 4 mph and to put the icing on the cake a brand new H&R Cascadia pissed past me as if I was stopped!!!! Within about 10 minutes the lady driver was out of view!! You know when you are enjoying yourself and having fun then someone does something to stop that well I think this is what they have done. You read things about saving the planet but if I have to drive along in 11 gear and struggle up the hills for long and pump more smoke in to the air then how does that help the planet?!? When you turn a truck down by 4mph and there is one hell of a difference in how you drive the truck then something has to change but it won't so I will just have to get used to driving in 11th gear until I get fed up and call it a day and people who know me well know I get fed up quick! This job is so easy and fun but when you have to keep flicking from manual to automatic then it becomes harder and less enjoyable my friends and family and other drivers who want to come over here to work ask me how easy is it to drive for so long and so many miles I tell them when you are driving on cruise control and enjoying the views time goes by and you lose all track of time but this trip has not been enjoyable. I have a new driver with me who's been doing most of the driving & even he says how gutless the truck is going up hill. I knew they were going to cut it back but this is shocking now how the truck drives.

1 comment:

The Lightbringer said...

thats wha happens when fitters do the speedos should be done by mechanics who kniw a thing or two with gear ratios had the same problem with half our motors when they done it to us in the uk just companys opting for cheap otion