Saturday 3 January 2009

Here you go George a laugh on me

This is the one thing H&R have got so wrong, you cannot pick up a trailer at H&R without the computer telling you! You get paid a safety bonus every 4 months here so why don't H&R take out $75 every time a lazy driver leaves a trailer with a bold tyre and give the $75 to the poor driver who has to sit waiting to get a new tyre! Why should a driver leave a trailer with a bold tyre its not safe so they should not get their full bonus. It might take a few months to sink in but as soon as a trailer gets found with a bold tyre that driver who dropped it should get a message saying you just lost $75 lol. I bet he would check the next time it would make it a fair and much safer system and the poor driver who found it will not feel too angry sitting and waiting because they get $75. You can understand a flat tyre but not a bold tyre like the one me and Mick found when we went to LA.

1 comment:

Lyndon said...

Hi Mike

Same happened to me last week, such a pain in the ass, but i guess there are good drivers, and drivers who dont give a damn.

You know your in the right group and "What goes around, comes around".