Friday 9 January 2009

At the airport

I drove a Kenworth truck up to the Calgary yard, (what a very nice truck to drive) when I got to the yard Hutch gave me a lift to the airport so a big thanks to the guys at H&R. I spoke to a very nice couple I met while being at H&R and it seems I am not the only one getting crap from an English couple. I know this English driver and he was the same at his last job didn't want to work and full of shit he only wants to go to California and back so he can be home every weekend but wants to earn the same money as drivers who do work hard he spends his time trying to upset other drivers and bad mouthing H&R, all I can say is if you don't like it here as much as you say why don't you f--k off back to England. The one thing I do know (because my mate works in the office) is when he put his notice in at his last job he made a lot of people very happy that he was leaving.


Tony T said...

Hello Mike,
Like you said mate if he dont like it there that Guy should Bog off back to the UK.
Any way have a nice Jolly back in England, it's cold here but not as much as Canada.

Have a good one Tony T

phi77 said...

Hi Mike love the blog, the person you are on about in this pieace sounds just like someone i work with, i guess you get them everywhere you go hey even half way round the world, i would love to come over and work for h and r but the misses aint keen no matter how much i go on ho well i will just have to keep on dreaming, have fun

clint said...

Hi mike i see your flight was good just to let you know im sat at iowa80 truckstop in a storm trying to get to toronto but only 3 pallets 500kgs not good speak soon clint..

Anonymous said...

HI Mike,
Good to see you are home Ok and the family is well, weather still bad here. As for the people that are out here, having the problems with H and R, it is their own doing.
If you want information about H and R about what you should be paying, find out for yourself, don't rely on ill informed, negative British people supplying you with "facts" that are possibly not true.
We learned a lesson the hard way.
If you are already here or thinking about it, take time to do your OWN homework.