Monday 13 October 2008

Weekend shunting

Just got back from shunting. First trip was to drop off a loaded trailer in Calgary. The driver told me it was very light as it was loaded with computers but he did say there was about 2 ton of ice on the trailer I thought he was joking until I saw it! I have never seen so much ice (I wish I took a picture now). On my way to Calgary the sun was out and it was hot and the roads are really bumpy in places & every time I looked in my mirror after going over a bump huge chunks of ice kept falling off, you could see the cars hanging back, all I saw was big clouds of mist as they smashed on the road. My sat nav took me to the Calgary yard with no problems! Got into the yard and Eddie was there waiting for the lights to be fixed on his trailer. We had a chat before he was off to Vancouver. We both drove around the yard looking for my loaded trailer..... now the first place you'd look is where they keep the loaded trailers right? We spent about 15 minutes looking for it only to find it next to the trailer I just dropped (what a plonker lol). I picked that one up, went on the scale then sent all the macros then off I went. Now I have read other drivers calling these trucks 'freight shakers' and after driving one I thought they're really not as bad as some make out, yeah right..... until you get on 2 north to Edmonton there's a patch of road there so bad I nearly ended up in the passenger seat! Good job I wasn't having a mouthful of coke at the same time lol. The drive to Edmonton was really nice, lovely views and loads of beautiful houses. Until I got to Edmonton the road went all over the show and I didn't know which one to take and guess what? Yep.... I took the wrong bloody one, what a nightmare that was! I know I drove down some roads where I shouldn't have been but I didn't get caught so hopefully there will be no tickets in the post! Finally I got to my place to tip out, I just had to wait, then I drove around to Edmonton yard and stayed there the night. I rang in the next day & was told to wait for a job back to Lethbridge. When I did get the details I went and waited for the trailer, I wanted to go to the shopping mall at Edmonton, which by the way is the largest in the world and only 2 miles away but didn't have time, gutted! I picked up the trailer and drove down to Lethbridge, on the way down the views were the same except I was going the other way lol.
There I was sat on cruise control at 65mph and loads of cars went bombing by, as they do. As I got down the road and around the bend I saw loads of flashing lights, cop cars everywhere, the said cars that went bombing past me were pulled over by the cops which made me smile (somethin else that doesn't happen in the UK)!! I did my delivery to Lethbridge then went back to the hotel for the night. I will be in the hotel for the next 3 nights as I have to go and sit in the classroom at H&R to learn more stuff then hopefully at the end of the week I will get my own truck then I can really start my adventures and I can't wait.

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